About Us
Our Purpose & Goals
Purpose-built accessible accommodation combined with appropriate support, when it’s needed, is critical in helping people live safely, as independently as possible and with dignity.
People with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs may be eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding support.
The team at SDA Solutions are mindful of respecting each participant’s privacy, their wishes and their dignity while exploring their eligibility for SDA.
Each person who engages our services has a unique set of circumstances which we take into consideration when preparing their SDA Application.
We work closely and collaboratively with each participant, their family and their supports to achieve the best outcome.
Our step-by-step process involves close and respectful interaction with each participant, their families, Support Coordinators, Occupational Therapists, other allied health professionals and medico teams. This approach ensures the details of the participant’s history, their preferences and support needs are thoroughly understood and properly recorded.
Our primary responsibility is to act in the best interests of the participant.
We provide our SDA services Australia-wide as the SDA Rules are the same for all locations.
Our Clients
Participants and their Supports
Assisting NDIS participants to explore and apply for SDA funding support to be included in their plan.- Support Coordinators
Working closely and collaboratively with Support Coordinators and Occupational Therapists to achieve the appropriate SDA outcomes for their clients. - SIL Providers, Investors, Participant home-owners
Our independence and our collaboration with housing providers assists them to explore SDA funding solutions for participants. Preparing and lodging the SDA Application with the NDIS is the essential first step for participants to achieve suitable SDA housing outcomes.
Our Process
Our proven 4 step process from the initial consultation through to submitting the SDA Funding Application is efficient and widely accepted throughout all areas of Australia.
Step 1: Initial Consult
We are mindful of respecting the Participant’s privacy, their wishes and their dignity throughout this journey.
During this initial consult, we discuss the NDIS “eligibility criteria” with the participants, their family members, support teams and health professionals and provide our opinion as to the participant’s eligibility for SDA funding support.
Step 2: Applicant Consultation
This step involves detailed discussion and information gathering with the participant, their family members, their Support Coordinator and health professionals. This includes the participants’ challenges and disabilities, their housing preferences and needs, their living arrangements (whether alone or with others), and their formal and informal care arrangements. We often find that a carefully designed “transition plan” also assists the participant and their family in this journey.
We work with the participant’s OT for the Functional Assessment and Report or we can recommend OTs experienced in this sector depending on the participant’s preference.
Step 3: Report Preparation & Compliance
The SDA Rules are complex and legalistic in relation to assessing the key eligibility criteria for SDA funding support. We consider the participant’s care and housing needs requirements. Our SDA Application comprehensively addresses the principles and policies specified in the NDIS Legislation, the Rules and the Guidelines as they apply to each participant’s unique circumstances.
Step 4: SDA Application Submitted
A draft of the SDA Application is provided to the Participant and their support team for comment before finalising and lodging the submission with the NDIS. The application package includes our Application Report, the Occupational Therapist’s report and other reports deemed necessary to provide the evidence required by the SDA Panel to assist them with their evaluation and decision-making. We monitor progress of the application and keep the participant and their support team informed.
Review of Decision
In the event that a participant is not satisfied with an NDIS decision, we assist with the ‘Review‘ process and the preparation of a submission with supporting evidence.